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Lasītājs raksta- Atkal Alpi


akash3995, 05. Jan 2025, 04:57

Two years ago, I embarked on my second motorcycle trip to Norway with two friends. While it was similar to my first, it highlighted the importance of motorcycle travel at any age—especially as I’ve learned to navigate the road at 70. Age is not a barrier when it comes to enjoying the open road. Many older motorcyclists I encountered on Alpine passes proved that passion for riding doesn’t fade with time.

This trip focused on practical aspects—planning routes with shorter daily distances, frequent breaks, and accommodations booked in advance to avoid stress. I rode the iconic La Route des Grandes Alpes in France and visited several Swiss passes, all while managing the physical challenges of long rides. My advice for anyone traveling at an older age is to listen to your body, take regular breaks, and stay disciplined in your riding routine.

For those who enjoy the thrill of motorcycles but can’t always hit the road, Traffic Rider APK offers a great way to experience the excitement virtually. Check out Traffic Rider APK for a fun and realistic motorcycle racing experience.

maniac, 08. Oct 2023, 12:26

Gandrīz viss saskan. Man gan tikai 63. Un atšķirīga pieeja naktsmāju meklēšanai. Nepatīk stingri plānot braukšanas režīmu. Arī laika apstākļi ievieš korekcijas. Tāpēc naktsmājas skatos tuvāk vakaram. Protams, ka tas var nenostrādāt tūristu pieplūduma laikā un vietā.

Karavs, 29. Sep 2023, 13:09

Apsveicami, kāds joprojām ieliek aprakstu. Tā ir, nevajag tērēt laiku 20 reizes Mazo itāliju, labāk vienīgo Itāliju un pārējos Alpus un kad pārejas ar nebeidzamiem 180tiem līkumiem ir piegriezušās, tad jebko citu tālāk dienvidos, kur plūstošāki līkumotie ceļi. Vispārinot moto zāle dienvidu platumos ir zaļāka - 10x vairāk, 10x baudāmāk, drusku lielāka tolerance pret moto braucējiem utt


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