Sveicam Latvijas Republikas Proklamēšanas dienā.
BestPsychiatrist1, 21. Dec 2024, 13:25
Skin Specialist in Rohini SkinCosmos - The Best Dermatologist and Skin Specialist in Rohini Sector 7, located at B-5/34, Sector 7, near Rohini East Metro Station, is the most trusted destination for all advanced skin and hair care procedures. It is rated the best dermatologist in the area, offering treatments for acne, pigmentation, hair fall, anti-aging, etc. Being rated 4.5⭐ by 43+ satisfied patients, the clinic is what most people choose when looking for a dermatologist near me, skin doctor Rohini, and expert cosmo skin care. Treatments fully cater to individual character. Beauty treatments provide professional care as well as visible results. Your skin deserves the best; let's make it glow!ankajkrayons, 20. Dec 2024, 14:00
ps6biIt arrived in 2020 for the PS5 and, of course, the PS5 Pro in 2024. By those standards, it’s hardly time to start thinking of what comes next in the journey for Sony in the gaming world. That would be the PS6 – an all-mysterious but very exciting console already fueling the hype. The next couple of years are too early, but there is already discussion among people on its features and design and even its estimated launch date.
Armis, 18. Nov 2020, 14:52
Nu tad par Latviju!
Valkyrie, 18. Nov 2020, 09:57
Sveiciens svētkos
P.S. To apsveikuma fotosesiju (visas bildes) pie Brīvības pieminekļa apskatījos dzeltenajos delfos un klāt, protams, bija visādu idiotu komentāri, kuru vienīgais prieks ir izgāzt žulti. Žēl, ka pozitīvu cilvēku paliek mazāk ...
